What is a Spiritual Director?

What is a Spiritual Director?

A Spiritual Director is someone who listens and has discerned a call to accompany others as they seek meaning and wholeness amid life’s complexities, this is a spiritual direction relationship.  A Spiritual Director has personally experienced being accompanied by their own spiritual director, and has pursued appropriate training in this listening ministry. A Spiritual Director could be timeliy if you have a hunger for something more, want to explore new ways to pray, God seems absent, or if there is an important life decision you need to make.

The Spiritual Directors in this association are representative of the wider ecumenical community and together bring a richness of wisdom and experience. They provide a compassionate guiding presence. Our spiritual directors are concerned with the whole person: body, soul, mind, and spirit.

There is a list of spiritual directors under the tab “Who are we?” Each of our spiritual directors have completed a training program, and agreed to the SDI (Spiritual Directors International) code of ethics. Please contact any of us for a conversation about spiritual direction. Spiritual Direction can be offered in person or online. Each sets their own rates per session.

Get in touch if you have any questions or would like more information.